The History of Diplomacy Between Banten and Danish

Reedited and Translated by P. VOORHOEVE 

In the 17th century the Danish extended their commercial activities from their settlement in Tranquebar on the Coromandel Coast to various parts of Indonesia. These relations to no small extent came into being through the cooperation and advice of Dutchmen who found the road to Asia barred to their own enterprises because of the Dutch United Company monopoly1.  Thus we find in the Danish National Archives some Malay letters to kings of Denmark accompanied by Dutch translations. Two of these letters have been published by Danish historians.

They are re-edited here because original Malay manuscripts dated int he 17th century are scarce, and because they are good specimens of the style of letter writing at Indonesian courts at that time. On January 7th, 1675 both the Sultan and the Shahbandar of Banten (Western Java) wrote letters to King Frederic III of Denmark.

The Sultan asked for cannon and powder and mentioned that 176 bahara (a weight) of pepper, for which there had been no room in the Danish ship Faerae, were being kept in store2. In a letter dated H. 1082, without month or day (i.e. between May lOth, 1671 and April 28th, 1672), from the Sultan of Banten to King Christian V, the Sultan again mentions the 176 bahara of pepper which had been deposited by Capt. Adeler with the Banten nobleman Angabèhi Cakradana. This letter is transliterated and translated below3.

In Gunnar Olsen's contribution to the publication "Vore gamle Trope-kolonier" this letter is reproduced on p. 102 and a Danish translation is given on p. 651. However, the translation does not agree with the Malay text. It was apparently made from a later letter. Here in the Sultan says that the pepper left behind by Capt. Adeler had been delivered to Capt. Christian Bielke.

Another letter from the Sultan of  Banten to Christian V, dated February 15th, 1675, is reproduced in H. Henningsen's edition of Dagbog fra en Ostindiefart 1672-75 af ]. P. Cortemünde, p. 29. A Danish translation from Dutch is given in Appendix 5 (p. 222). In this case too the Dutch translation differs from the Malay text. The differences will be discussed in the notes to our transliteration and translation of the Malay letter.



At the top, between two wax-seals(?) with illegible inscriptions: Ngilamat Sultan Banten (Jav. script) 1082 (European numbers). Note in Gothic script: Dette Er Sultanen af f Bantam Egenn Haand, som hand Selff haffuer Schreffuitt.

Above the tèxt at the right-hand side the black imprint of the Sultan's seal, reading: Al-Wathik Billah Al-Sultan Abü'l-Fath ibn Al-Sultan Ab(ü'l-Macalï) ibn Al-Sultan Abï'l-Mafakhir ibn Muhammad ibn Yüsuf ibn Hasaniddïn.

Text of the letter:

Ini surat menyatakan tulus dan ikhlas daripada Paduka Siri Sultan Abü'l-Fath di Banten yang mengempukan tahta pekerjaan (sic) dalam negeri Banten khallada'llahu mulkahu wa-sayyara acnak acadiyah (sic) mulkihi datang kepada raja Danmark yang bernama Raja Kerristian anak Raja Parraiderrai yang mengempukan tahta pekerjaan dalam negeri Danmark raja yang termashur4 gagah berani-dalam segala negeri atas angin dan negeri bawah angin ialah raja yang amat bangsawan serta setiawan dan yang bijaksana pada memerintah segala pekerjaan di darat dan di laut serta mengelakukan isticadat raja2 dalam negeri Danmark.

Adapun kemudian daripada itu bahwa surat dan bingkis daripada Raja Kerristian itu telah sampailah kepada Raja Paduka Serri Sultan di Banten dengan sempurnanya. Maka apabila dibukalah surat itu dari-pada meterainya semerbaklah bau-bauwan yang amat herrum daripada kasturi dan canbar akan mengatakan perkataan tulus dan ikhlas dan hendak berkasih-kasihan. Sahdan barang maksud Raja Keristian yang tersebut dalam kitabat itu tellah diketahuilah oléh Paduka Seri Sultan di Banten maka Paduka Seri Sultan pun terlalulah sukacitta sebab mendengar perkataan Raja Kerristian yang tersebbut didalam kitabat itu.

Sebermula adapun Raja Kerristian hendak meminta tanah dalam negeri Banten akan tempatnya kapitan Danmark duduk di Banten kerana hendak beniaga didalam negeri Banten suddahlah Paduka Seri Sultan memberi tanah yang dikehendaki oléh kapitan Danmark itu serta beberapa perjanjian Paduka Seri Sultan kepada kapitan Danmark yang duduk di Banten itu seperti yang tersurat didalam surat perjanjian itu.

Sebermula Paduka Seri Sultan meminta kepada Raja Kerristian jual-jualan obat bedil pada tiap2  masa kapal belayar ke Banten sekira 2 obat bedil itu seratus pikul dan demikian lagi peluru bedil besar 2 . Sahdan Paduka Seri Sultan memberi maclum kepada Raja Kerristian dahulu kala Kapitan Haddelar menitipkan lada kepada Angabèhi Cakradana banyaknya lada itu seratus bahara dan tujuh puluh enam bahara. Tammat.5


Signature of the Sultan of Banten. (A.H.) 1082. This is a letter expressing the sincere and honest feelings of His Majesty Sultan Abu'l-Fath of Banten, owner of the Royal Throne6  in the country of Banten (may God perpetuate his reign and break(?) the necks of the foes of his kingdom) towards the king of Denmark, called King Christian, son of King Frederic, owner of the Royal Throne in the country of Denmark, a king whose bravery is famous in the lands above the wind and in the lands below the wind; he is a most noble and faithful kirig, wise in ruling everything on land and sea and in enforcing the royal customs in the country of Denmark.

Further, Your Majesty's letter and gift have reached us in good order. When the letter was taken from its sealed envelope, a fragrant perfume of musk and ambergris was diffused, conveying words of sincerity and expressing the wish for mutual friendship. We, Sultan of Banten, fully understand the contente of your, King Christian's, letter and we were extxemely pleased to hear the words of your missive.

Further, as to your, King Christian's, requèst to be granted a piece of land in the country of Banten, to be used for a residence for the Danish captain in Banten. because he wants to conduct trade in the country of Banten, We, Sultan of Banten, have given a plot of land in accordance with the Danish captain's wishes. We have made an agreement with the Danish captain, in the terms mentioned in the written treaty.

Further, we ask you, King Christian, to send us gun-powder for sale, about 100 picols of powder every time your ships sail to Banten, and also large cannon balls.

And furtherrnore, we let you, King Christian, know that Captain Adeler has formerly deposited pepper with Angabèhi Cakradana, a quantity of 176 bahara. Finish7



Subhana man tanazzaha 'ani'l-jahsad'i (The same stamp as on the first letter; the words ibn Abü (sic) 'l-Macalï are clearly legible here).

Ini surat pada menyatakan tulus kasih dan ikhlas daripada Paduka Seri Sultan Abü'l-Fath di negeri Banten khallada'llahu mulkahu wasultanahu wa-abbada cadlahu' wa-ihsanahu sainpai kiranya kepada Raja.

Karistian Kuwaintus anak Raja Parra Darrai yang mengempukan atas tahta segala kerajaan didalem nagri Danamarka yang dikaruniyaï Allah subhanahu kiranya dan ditambahi kebessaran kan kemuliaan pada tiap2 masa siang dan malem dan yang dilebihkan kiranya dalam dunya ini daripada raja2 yang dahulu pada memerintahkan segala raciyyatnya karena melakukan isticadat kabaikan dalam negerinya dan yang amat memelihara kepada segala orang baniaga dan anak dagang semuhanya dengan peliharanya yang sempurna dalam dunya ini.

Adapun kemudian daripada itu bahwa surat dan bingkis daripada Raja Karistian Kuwaintus yang dibawaya (sic) oléh Kapitan Haddalar yang jadi Kumandur di negeri Kelling itu tellah sampailah kiranya kepada Paduka Seri Sultan di Banten dengan sempurnanya maka terlalulah sukkacita daripada hati Paduka Seri Sultan akan mendengar perkataan Raja Karistian yang termadhkur dalam surat dan kitabat itu dan tellah diketahuilah kiranya oléh Paduka Seri Sultan di Banten. Sebermula Raja Karistian Kuwaintus berkirim beddil bessar sepucuk tellah diterimalah oléh Paduka Seri Sultan dengan seribu tarima.

Sebermula lagi Paduka Seri Sultan memberi maclum kepada RajaKaristian akan hal ihwal lakunya pétor yang duduk di Banten yang bernama Pétor Pahuli akan gantinya Pétor Mikal itu maka dahulu Paduka Seri Sultan suruh menjual tembaga ke negeri Kelling dua ratus dua puluh pikul dibawaya (sic) oléh suruhan Pétor Mikal bernama Kapitan Wilkek kaki kayu ke negeri Kelling. Maka sekarang ini hendak dihilangkan harga tembaga itu oléh Pétor Kelling yang bernama Mangusakub sama2 muwafakat dengan Pétor Pahuli itu tiada memberi maclum kepada Paduka Seri Sultan berapa sudah laku jual tembaga itu di negeri Kelling.

Adapun yang memberi maclum kepada Paduka Seri Sultan akan harga tembaga itu di negeri Kelling ada satu orang Danmarka duduk ia di negeri Kelling bernama Ian Indirik, itulah yang memberi maclum kepada Paduka Seri Sultan harga tembaga itu di negeri Kelling.

Sebermula lagi Pétor Pahuli dan Pétor Mangusakub banyak2 ia buatharu biru kepada Paduka Seri Sultan tiada ia mau mengikut padaisticadat kebaikan negeri.Sebermula lagi ada dia membawa dagangan kain tiada ia ben-i surat seperti mana harganya kain itu karena dia hendak mengilangken harga tembaga itu Pétor Pahuli dan Pétor Mangusakub. Dan tiada kiriman Paduka Seri Sultan kepada Raja Karistian hanya lada.

Adapun yang membawa surat ini kapitan kapal bernama Kapitan Riktal. Tersurat dalam negeri Banten pada hari Isnén pada lima bellas hari daripada bulan Dhulkaédah pada tahun Dal awwal seribu dualapan puluh lima tahun daripada hijrat Nabi kita Muhammad salla'llahu calaihi wasallam. Hadakumu'llahu ila tarïki'l-mustakïm.


Glory be to Him who is free from vice.This is a letter offering the sincere and true friendship of His Majesty Sultan Abu'1-Fath in the country of Banten (may God pérpetuate his reign and might and make his justice and righteóusness endure) towards King Christian V, son of King Frederic, who owns the throne of activities8  in the country of Denmark, and who may ënjoy the favour of God (to Whom be glory) and whose greatness and glory may be augmented at every moment, day and night, and who may surpass in this world all former kings in the government of his subjects, by enforcing the approved customs in his country, and who takes perfect care of all traders and foreign merchants in this world.

Furthermore, the letter and gift of King Christian V brought by Capt. Adeler, Governor of the Coromandel Coast, have reached His Majesty the Sultan of Banten in good order. His Majesty's heart was extremely pleased to hear the words of King Christian contained in his letter and missive, and His Majesty the Sultan of Banten has taken notice of them. Further, King Christian V sent a large cannon; His Majesty the Sultan has accepted it with a thousand thanks.

Furthermore, concerning the conduct of Factor Paulli, head of the factory in Banten and successor of Factor Mikkel(sen), His Majesty the Sultan Iets King Christian know that formerly His Majesty the Sultan gave order to sell 220 picols of copper on the Coromandel Coast. This copper was carried across to the Coast by a messenger of Factor Mikkelsen called Captain Wilkek (?), a man with a wooden leg. Now the head of the factory on the Coromandel Coast, Magnus Jacob(sen), wants to embezzle the proceeds from the sale of this copper, together with Factor Paulli; they do not let His Majesty the Sultan know at what price the copper was sold on the Coast.

The man who let His Majesty the Sultan know the price of the copper on the Coast was a Dane who was living on the Coromandel Coast, Jan Hendrick(sen). He informed His Majesty the Sultan of the price the copper fetched on the Coast.

Furthermore, Factor Paulli and Factor Magnus Jacobsen cause His Majesty much trouble, since they refuse to follow the good customs ofthe country.

Further, they have brought a load of textiles without any written statement about its value, because Factor Paulli and Factor Magnus Jacobsen want to embezzle the proceeds from the sale of that copper9 The only thing His Majesty the Sultan sends to King Christian now is pepper. This letter will be carried by a ship's captain called Captain Rechter10 Given at Ban ten, Monday 15th Dhulkaédah, in the year Dal awwal, 1085 of the Hijrah of our Prophet Muhammad, God's blessing and benediction be on him.May God lead you on the straight path11

1  M. A. P. Meilink-Roelofsz, Asian Trade and European Influence in theIndonesian Archipelago between 1500 and about 1630, p. 205.

2  H. Henningsen, Dagbok fra en Ostindiefart 1672-75 af J. P. Cortemünde,introduction p. 25, citing Henning Engelhart, De Danske ostindiske Etablissementers Historie (unpublished MS. in the National Archives) p. 144 f . It isnot clear whether it is the original Malay letters which are in the NationalArchives, or only the translations.

From Vore gamle Tropekolonier. Red. J. Brondsted. (Gunnar Olsen, Dansk Ostindien 1616-1732). Vol. I, p. 102; "translation" p. 651: D. Kanc. indlaegtil ostind. reg. 13/3 1672, nr. 9 (Rigsarkivets udstilling)

4 In the official Malay-Indonesian orthography (1972) sy is used for the Arabic shyin, but this is unsuitable for scholarly publications, where sy has always been used to denote two phonemes (s + y) as opposed to the single phoneme, for which sj was used in Indonesia and sh in Malaya. I have used s. Some vowels that may seem peculiar in our transliteration represent vowel signs in the original texts.

Some peculiarities of orthography in this letter are: t ' for e (once Siri for Seri) ;d for d, apparently used without any fixed rule; duplication of a consonant after e in a few cases (Serri, Kerristian, etc.) but not consistently.

6 pekerjaan, work, for kerajaan, kingdom, is a queer mistake made by the scribe at the Banten court, who apparently was appointed because of his fine, regular handwriting rather than for his knowledge. Only the words "Ngilamat Sultan Banten" in Javanese script may have been written by the Sultan's own hand and not the whole letter.

7 The main difference between the contents of the Malay letter and the Danish "translation" concerns the 176 bahara of pepper. Furthermore, the translation adds a request for some cordage and specifies the cannon balls wanted, but it omits the amount of gun-powder. It seems probable that two nearly identical letters were sent by different ships and that in the interval between the sending of the first and the second letter the pepper had been delivered to Captain Bielke

8 The court scribe is again confused by the expression tahta kerajaan, Royal Throne, and instead of the pekerjaan of the first letter he has now written segala karjaan, all activities.

9 Apparently the shipment of textiles represented the proceeds from the saleof the copper.

10 Riktal sounds like the Chinese pronunciation of the name Rechter or Richter.

1 1 From a photocopy of the Dutch translation which accompanied this letter it appears that there are two small errors in Henningsen's Danish translation of this document (Dagbok p. 222): the name of the captain who brought a letter via England was Valraet, not Valract, and (3rd line of the letter from below) "her pa kysten" should be "her og pa kysten", i.e. here (in Banten) and on the (Coromandel) Coast. There are some characteristic differences between the Malay text of the letter and its Dutch translation. The Dutchman who made it knew of course that there was nobody at the Danish court who could read Malay. He shortened the letter by omitting the details of the unfortunate trade in copper and instead of these he added a plea for justice to be bestowed on Jan Hendricksen who had apparently moved from Tranquebar to Banten. One feels tempted to suppose that Hendricksen was a Dutchman in Danish service and wrote the translation himself.

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